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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Sources of Online Sample: How to Evaluate Sources and How to Grow Your Own
Year 2000
Access date 26.04.2004
Abstract The most frequently made request from firms moving to Internet-based research is for help in locating sources of sample for their studies. Given the extremely bad reaction from perceived breaches of privacy and unsolicited email recruitment (spam), other alternatives need to be found. This presentation will give an overview of the various (ethical) sources of potential respondents for online studies and will evaluate various methods of recruitment. Key areas of discussion will include: 10 things that you should NEVER do for online sampling and recruitment; Using your customer's databases and how to improve opt-in cooperation; How to use traditional media (print ads, direct mail, etc.) for recruitment to Web-based studies; Undertaking telephone pre-recruitment and the associated benefits and problems; National panels, when to use them and how they're constructed; How to set up custom panels and issues associated with building/maintaining an online community.
Year of publication2000
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - 2000 (46)